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All the data and information provided on this blog is for information purpose only. A disclaimer is a statement that basically holds you harmless from prosecution.

Note: Bad Leets have all the rights to make changes in blog policies any time without any notification.

Email Address

Email Address entered in the comment form is required and it will never be displayed publicly. They are used for privacy purposes and it will be never used for spamming. Don’t ever mention you email in the comments. I recommend people to have two types of email addresses. One for personal use and another one for private use. That way you can easily differentiate personal and private emails.

Accuracy and Authentic

Every post published on Bad Leets are checked twice. They are accurate up to my knowledge. But it is very easy to make mistakes. Please read the entire article about a review or tutorial before applying or buying it. Blogging is my passion. So I’m writing every article with passion and not for sake of any. You are allowed to ask questions below every articles which matters you. But make sure they cope with our Comments Policy. You can also contact us regarding this, we take accuracy and authentic of our blog’s content into account and now on you can chat us any time using our Contact page.

Damages And Causes

This is a rare thing. The tutorial on Bad Leets are almost save but if you do any thing wrong or attempted to do any thing wrong we are not responsible for any thing. All the stuff on Bad Leets are 100% for education purpose only.

Photographs and Graphic Images

Most of the images used Bad Leets content are copyright-free and others are edited by us using Photoshop. Some are my creative works. I don’t want those images to be misused in any manner.I am not responsible for any images of ours being reproduced in any harmful manner. If you find any images of ours published in a illegal manner, please contact us.

Content Validity

The tutorials, other contents are valid at the time of posting. They might not be valid after two weeks or two years from now. The content, sources and links changes over time. For example, a tutorial written for WordPress 2.7 may not work for WordPress 2.8.4 or it may get an entirely different output than expected. Since they are getting upgraded frequently, the tutorials are also changing simultaneously.

Personal View

Bad Leets  is Our opinion. All the articles in this blog is entirely based on my personal or my writers views. We are 99.9 % honest with all the reviews and tutorials. Because we want readers to make use of Mobile android. You can always leave a comment expressing your concern below the articles.  All the sponsored and paid reviews are standard and we produce honest reviews.

Copyright Issues

You are allowed to copy our content with attribution only. If I came to know that my content is republished illegally in a blog or website. Please read our Copyright Policy before doing attribution.

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