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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


5 Fundamental SERP Ranking Factors

The Internet technology is always evolving. Everyday, there are subtle and major changes that proliferate, either changing the way we use it or forever changing the definition of the word “Web”.
And with these changes come modifications or improvements in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). The most noticeable is the increasing number of factors that affect your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). However, despite additions to the family, the most fundamental are still intact. Learn what these are and find out what they can do for you.

1. Content

This should be the highlight of your website. It does not only refer to your articles but it also encompasses the photos, videos, and audio files you post on your website.
However, what search bots are usually after are the texts, because those are the codes that they can crawl and interpret. Currently, lengthier articles look better than shorter ones, because they theoretically have more substance and information.
Now when producing posts, remember to take note of these three:
Originality It should be unique. You must give your own approach to the topic, no matter how exhausted the topic is. For example, even if you are writing about blogs, talk about it in a new light to give something substantial to your readers.
Timeliness It should be updated. It will not make sense if you write about the advantages of horse-driven chariots when our society is running on big fuel-powered vehicles, right? Your posts should be about current topics and issues that are dominating your niche.
Creativity Given that you are rehashing old topics, you should focus on giving a new approach to the subject. Insert your writer’s talent into your output to give your readers something worthy of their time.

2. Links

Let us start with internal links. These are hyperlinks that lead to other pages on your site, hence the name. They help search engines index other pages of your site. Make sure you use niche-based words, at least two-three terms per link. Most of all, limit the number of internal links per page to two, otherwise you will risk being suspected of spamming.
Second on our list are outgoing links. These are links you create on your pages, either embedded in your content or featured as footer links, that lead to other websites. They could be your affiliates or just authority sites for your particular niche. It is important that you choose only those that are relevant to your topic. You can also use PageRank as basis for linking to that site.
And last are inbound links. Famously coined as backlinks, these are links that you receive from other websites. Now instead of buying them like in the olden days, you have to earn them by producing great content that other domains would want to be part of. In addition, you can also do guest posting to earn high-quality links from sites that have an extensive blog fan base.

3. Keywords

These play a vital role in your SERP ranking. After all, these are what search engines use to match your site to a query. The more targeted your keywords are, the higher your site will end up on the results pages.
But do not overdo this. Stuffing your content with search terms is considered spamming, and you do not want Google to think that of you. At best, you should have a maximum of 2.5% to 3% keyword density in your articles.
Now to find the ideal search terms for your niche, you should use various online tools that feature the use of particular keywords. Such freebies include Google AdSense, Google AdWords, and Google Insights for Search. All of these will help you come up with relevant keywords that are varied in usage and have less competition over the Web.

4. Design

Optimisation is not just about focus on what the search engines want, but also what the Internet surfers like. With regards to your navigation system, it should be easy, simple, and straightforward. Glitz and glamour are not a good idea here.
The main priority is to create a site that is visually appealing, creative, and easy to navigate or browse.

5. Social Media

The last factor that affects your ranking in SERPs is your promotions. How visible or reputable is your website? Are you embracing all platforms to market your domain?
A very important highlight of SEO is social media marketing. Using channels that belong in this category will not only get your site quality links, but will also promote it to social networking members.
Naturally, Facebook and Twitter are the main contenders in this game. But do not neglect other sites as well like StumbleUpon, Foursqaure, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. The more channels you use, the more you have audiences for your marketing campaigns.

To Sum It Up

SEO does not have to be a mind-boggling concept that you should cower from. If you are new to the business, take it as a challenge and learn from the experts. You will soon find your efforts rewarded with increased traffic, high ranking, and loyal readers.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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