Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Origin Of Internet
In 1950’s, with the development of the Electronic Computers, the history of Internet begins. Early, there was point-to-point communication between mainframe computers and terminals that was later expanded in point-to-point connections between computers only and then in packet Switching. With a variety of protocols a packet switching network called ARAPNET was developed.
Then in late 1960’s and early 1970’s, the internet took its orign from a defence project called ARAPnet by United States Defence Department. ARAPnet called as Advanced Research Projects Agency network. The agency wants to create a network of computers that can communicate with one another, even when some of the computers were disabled in the network.
In the midlle of 1980s, where a desktop computer workstations plays a great role of interest, at the same moment organizations wanted to connect their LANs (local area networks) to ARPAnet. This linking and sharing of computer resources would benefit all in every aspect.
Role Of NSF?
With the demanding need to speed up the connections ,NSF ( the National Science Foundation) in 1986 established five super computing centers and made the NSFnet as the supporting backbone. In 1987, the NSF signed a cooperative agreement to manage the NSFnet backbone with Merit Network, Inc., and , ARPAnet had been phased out by next three years in 1990. NSFnet continued to grow across the world and as a result more and more countries across the globe connected to this Internet backbone.
1991 — BIG YEAR
Tim Berners Lee known as TimBL is a british computer scientist and inventor of WWW (World Wide Web). In march 1989, a proposal was made by him for IMS (Information Management System), then on December 25,1990 with support of a young student at CERN , Robert Cailliau , he in joint venture and contribution implemented the first successful communication between a HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) client and server via INTERNET.
Finally , the 1991 was made a big year of Internet as The National Research and Education Network (NREN) was founded and the World Wide Web was released. Still dominated by scientist and other academics , the Internet begins to attract public interest. In 1993, the release of the Mosaic Web browser and in 1994, the Netscape results the World Wide Web exploded. The number of communities that become wired and enables the direct connections to the Internet were increased to greater extend.
In 1995, the U.S. federal government abdicate its management role in the Internet. Interconnected network providers are strong enough now to support U.S. backbone traffic on the Internet. However, the continues development of the U.S. backbone of the Internet encouraged by the presidential administration that also knows as the National Information Infrastructure (NII) . Most commonly it is known as the “Information Superhighway”.
So, in 1995 the internet is being used at its peak. As a result of this we see how much we are benefited , as we all are commercially and socially connected to each other is nothing but because of this so called Internet. Today scenario says that we can live without food but cant without internet at one time.
Even we see that we are reading this article is all internet..
Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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